4 Acupuncture Points To Relieve Flatulence, Simple & Effective
Spring Festival + Valentine's Day, it is inevitable to eat and drink. What should I do if I eat too much oil and sweets, which can cause flatulence, indigestion, and fat accumulation?
The following are recommended 4 acupoints and slimming and detoxification recipes that can eliminate flatulence correct massage acupoints, simple movements and detoxification of the internal organs can detoxify the body from the inside out. Today, I will share this article with you to help you solve the problem of flatulence after a big meal.
To find the correct acupoint location, use the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger at the same time, press and rub the acupoint in a circle.
Improve gastrointestinal function
Stomach bloating point one: Neiguan
The Neiguan is located on the palm side of the forearm, and the midpoint of the wrist crease is directly above the three horizontal fingers.
Four horizontal fingers down from the lateral dimple of the knee, on the outer edge of the tibia.
Relief from bloating that can be relieved after burping
Stomach distension acupoint: Zusanli
Zusanli is located four fingers down from the lateral dimple of the knee, on the outer edge of the tibia.
Stomach bloating point three: Yanglingquan
There is a protruding round bone on the lower and outer sides of the knee, and the acupuncture point is located in the recess below the bone.
Stomach acupuncture point four: Weishu
The thinnest circle of the waist is about two horizontal fingers high, and the left and right sides of the spine are two horizontal fingers wide. Use your thumb.
After a big meal, decrease, slimming, and detoxification - drink for a healthy body slimming tea!
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Encourage detoxification
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Reduce bloating, waste fluid retention
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